"There's a desperate need today for business leaders to become Christ-like transformational leaders. That's where A3's marketplace training fills a strategic niche. A3.business is building on a proven track record in empowering leaders for over 40 years. Now they are investing in business leaders who want to transform their communities and nations."
""There are plenty of ministries to help Christian leaders develop their skills. What sets A3.business apart is a focus on the transformation of a leader’s soul. A3 holds an integrated vision of life and leadership that refuses to separate a person’s calling in the world from his or her communion with Christ. By targeting this deeper level of existence, A3.business equips leaders with a new vision of faithfulness and not merely new tools of effectiveness.""
Skye Jethani, Author, Speaker, Consultant and Pastor. Former senior editor for Leadership Journal
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Helping Leaders Thrive...
Creating the space and community for transformation to happen.