I'm from Ecuador, but I was part of A3.business' second cohort in Seoul, South Korea—our group is called "Barnabas". That group was very special. In so many ways, my group experience changed the way I worked and the way I engaged with other professionals in the marketplace to be a testimony, a good testimony of God's work in me and my family.
We are asking you to pray for us. Why? Because now instead of receiving, we want to give. We want to transfer those experiences we had in South Korea—a wonderful country we love—to Ecuador!
And why not other countries in Latin America?
Thank you for praying. Thank you for supporting us and here from Ecuador to you, to my friends, to the network of A3 all over the world. Thank you very much. We really, really appreciate what you're doing.
God bless you.
Watch Marcelo on YouTube: https://youtu.be/El2x4srp93k
More Information
A3.business is A3 for marketplace leaders:
Watch Marcelo on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/1009934027
""There are plenty of ministries to help Christian leaders develop their skills. What sets A3.business apart is a focus on the transformation of a leader’s soul. A3 holds an integrated vision of life and leadership that refuses to separate a person’s calling in the world from his or her communion with Christ. By targeting this deeper level of existence, A3.business equips leaders with a new vision of faithfulness and not merely new tools of effectiveness.""
Skye Jethani, Author, Speaker, Consultant and Pastor. Former senior editor for Leadership Journal
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