Written by Joe Handley Published: 01 Jun 2018

Last December, A3.business faculty member
Daniel Fong (founder and teacher of
Million Dollar Baby) taught for our opening session in India. He co-taught with pastor Skye Jethani over a weekend focusing on what we call the most crucial thing in mission: A Love Relationship with God. See our link to our core value:
ALL IN with God.
During that weekend, Daniel made a profound statement affirming this value:
“Life on earth is an epic battle between a focus on God or on us.”
Not long ago, Daniel was the featured guest on Dan Quiggle’s leadership podcast
Garage to Goliath | Leaders Building Legacies. Daniel Fong’s testimony shared in these two interviews (episodes 21 and 22) were a powerful affirmation of A2’s vision, mission and core values.
Two things struck me in these interviews:
- First, when Daniel said that his company focuses on creating value, doing things excellently and ultimately on Love.
- Second, was when he was asked about legacy Daniel stated, I want my son and daughter to say, “I was a serious follower of Jesus!”
I encourage you to read about and listen to part 1 and part 2 of Daniel Fong’s interview on Dan Quiggle’s leadership podcast at the links below:
I’m sure you’ll be surprised by Daniel’s approach to business. And, I hope you’ll be encouraged in your life journey and in how you shape your company.
May we all Love well and may we have our children and followers say,
“I was a serious follower of Jesus!”
With Christ,

Joe Handley, President
A2 / A3.business

More Information
Million Dollar Baby - Daniel and Maryann Fong founded Million Dollar Baby in 1990, just as their two children, Tracy and Teddy, were transitioning from cribs into toddler beds. While in the midst of raising his young children, Daniel read that it cost one million dollars to raise a child. He recognized the need for reliable baby products that came at a great value. Thus, Million Dollar Baby was born—a company dedicated to enabling parents to provide the best for their children, without compromising on quality, safety or design.
Dan Quiggle: Author | Entrepreneur | Leadership Keynote Speaker
Host of the leadership podcast
Garage to Goliath | Leaders Building Legacies. On his podcast, Dan shares to shares leadership strategies and inspirational stories to motivate and encourage you on your leadership journey.
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Dr. Joseph W Handley, Jr. is currently president of A3.business. Joe was born and raised in Southern California. He attended Azusa Pacific University (APU) where he earned a B.A. in psychology and an M.A. in Theology. Joe served nine years at APU where he was the founding director of their Office of World Missions and leader of one of the first multi-national high school mission congresses in Mexico City in 1996. The Lord then called him to Rolling Hills Covenant Church in 1998 where Joe served as the Global Outreach Pastor and later the Associate Pastor for Outreach Ministries. In 2008, Joe answered the call of God to become the president of A3, a leader development movement that began in 1967 which launched A3.business in 2015. Recently, Joe completed his Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary.
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