All over the world the question is repeated: How can we multiply Christ-like servant leaders? And how can we encourage Christian leaders to work together, rather than in isolation or in competition? It takes only a brief time with an cohort to see that these leaders are discovering the answers. The components of effective leadership training can be found in a variety of current approaches, e.g. biblical foundations, experienced practitioners as teachers, individualized coaching, exposure to best practices, personal reflection exercises, discussion of case studies, written analysis, application to current ministry situations, time for rest and prayer and personal sharing, alternation of intensive learning times with opportunity for implementation in the field, etc. But what sets A2 apart is the way they are combined in a process of proven effectiveness. In my nearly 40 years of ministry and research, with special focus on leadership development, I haven't seen anything quite like it.
Supposedly, there are 1,200 organizations doing marketplace ministry. And now A3 makes it 1,201. is a great new initiative. And here’s why:
First, it relates to A3's legacy and credibility over 56 years of ministry in Asia. A3 has trained thousands of leaders for their work in the Church. This is not to be underestimated. These leaders are bringing profound transformation into their spheres of leader, family, church, community, and even country.
Take it from Rob Martin, former director of a Christian foundation:
“If you want to change a country by strengthening the Church, look at A3. They do it right.”
A2 is a silver sponsor of the Eagles Leadership Conference, held at Singapore's Suntec Convention Centre from July 23-25, 2015. The theme of ELC 2015 is The Art of Partnership: Collaboration – Creativity – Community.
Our own Takeshi Takazawa is one of the speakers. Takeshi is the Vice President for Innovative Initiatives for A2. Takeshi was born, raised and lives in Tokyo. He helped pioneer and develop a Church Multiplication Network throughout Japan. He is involved in leadership training for pastors in eleven Asian countries. Currently, he is also involved in various special projects in Japan and Asia, including disaster relief and leadership renewal and development.
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I was astounded to hear, that there are 1,200 marketplace ministries in the U.S. alone. 1200! I am sure all these organizations have great purposes, missions, visions and focus. So it isn’t for lack of effort. Good organizations are really trying to minister to people in the marketplace. Each of these organizations may not necessarily be marketing focused to create a brand for its ministry or to be made aware for recognition sake, but, I was wondering whether their reach could be more broadly known to increase their visibility. Continue reading →
There are many people that I come across who are looking for meaning and purpose in their life. I meet them all the time.
This is why it’s critical that marketplace ministry exists.
Most people grow up thinking, if you study hard, you get into a good college, and then you get a good job. Unfortunately, life lessons end there.
But the reality is that life is so much more than “a job.” Everyone is looking for meaning and purpose in life. This is especially true where I live—Silicon Valley. I have come across so many young people in their 20’s and 30’s with great jobs, who end up asking themselves: Continue reading →
For the last 600 years, the Church has really done a poor job of understanding the biblical basis of work. And in that, when Christians think of a “calling,” it is still understood in the context of, “Am I called to be a missionary? …Am I called to be a pastor?” On the notion of “calling,” people don’t really think about am I called to be a doctor or a lawyer.
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.” Genesis 2:15
A viable interpretation of Genesis 2:15 is that we are called to work to glorify God and to serve others. If so, it would follow that this notion of calling is for all vocations—whether it’s as a homemaker or working outside the home. It’s not relegated just to the Church.
"One thing largely missing today is leaders with integrity, humility and transparency in all sectors of society. This is why developing leaders is so crucial. I am thrilled that A3 is leveraging its legacy, credibility and experience in training church leaders as it now enters the marketplace arena. A3 is uniquely positioned to train marketplace leaders well, because they understand the pastoral heart—encouraging and equipping them to produce effective leaders, who will in turn transform businesses and communities toward God’s ends. There are over 1200 business leader development models out there, but is a distinct one aimed at Asia that I can wholeheartedly endorse."
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Lesson from Japan's triple disaster: Leadership transforms.
Makito Matsuda is pastor of Oasis Chapel in Rifu, Japan, one of the key hubs for relief efforts after the 2011 triple disaster in northeast Japan. Pastor Matsuda, a graduate of A2’s leader development program, is one of the emerging generation leaders in Japan.
Immediately following the disaster, people from outside the disaster region wanting to help, continually asked Pastor Matsuda: "What do you need?" Because there were so many needs early on—such as food, clean water, clothing, blankets, dry places to live, emotional support—the pastor struggled to know specifically how to answer that simple question.
For nearly 45 years, A3 has been at the forefront of leadership development. Visionary pastors were our primary customers. But our mission was always bigger. Today we put it this way, “We equip and unify visionary Christ-centered leaders to influence Spirit-led change.” And Christ-centered leadership is a landscape that has a much wider vista than pastors alone. In fact, we believe that Christ-centered leaders in every sector of society are critical to our vision, “A vibrant community accelerating Christ-centered movements around the world.” To see this, we focus on changing the few who change the many.
"A2 is coming alongside leaders to accomplish what God has called them to do in the way God has called them to do it. This is why I have been involved in this ministry for decades.
A2 is not called to transfer knowledge, but to create learning communities. This is what gets me excited.
I am convinced that true partnership always takes place in authentic community. is committed to this type of community within and across cultures."
""There are plenty of ministries to help Christian leaders develop their skills. What sets apart is a focus on the transformation of a leader’s soul. A3 holds an integrated vision of life and leadership that refuses to separate a person’s calling in the world from his or her communion with Christ. By targeting this deeper level of existence, equips leaders with a new vision of faithfulness and not merely new tools of effectiveness.""