At A3, we have been affirmed for our ability to identify leaders who are right for our program. We’ve had numerous requests to share what we believe we have learned. So with humility, let me offer a few thoughts on our approach…
“There’s a desperate need today for business leaders to become Christ-like transformational leaders. That’s where A3’s marketplace training fills a strategic niche. is building on a proven track record in empowering leaders for over 40 years. Now they are investing in business leaders who want to transform their communities and nations.”
At an A2 session in a restricted country recently, I was astounded by the level of impact that investing in twelve key pastors has on a nation. After more than twelve years of investing in twelve choice leaders every two years, the leveraged influence was stunning to see. This was especially true knowing that, due
All over the world the question is repeated: How can we multiply Christ-like servant leaders? And how can we encourage Christian leaders to work together, rather than in isolation or in competition? It takes only a brief time with an cohort to see that these leaders are discovering the answers. The components of effective
1,200 + 1 Supposedly, there are 1,200 organizations doing marketplace ministry. And now A3 makes it 1,201. is a great new initiative. And here’s why: First, it relates to A3’s legacy and credibility over 56 years of ministry in Asia. A3 has trained thousands of leaders for their work in the Church. This is
“One thing largely missing today is leaders with integrity, humility and transparency in all sectors of society. This is why developing leaders is so crucial. I am thrilled that A3 is leveraging its legacy, credibility and experience in training church leaders as it now enters the marketplace arena. A3 is uniquely positioned to train marketplace
Over the last several years, A2 has entered into the marketplace. For the first time we’ve taken our focus on missional outcomes that utilizes a transformational process, a vibrant learning community and an integrated curriculum to those leaders who can shape their workplace, their community, and their society.
A2 launched it’s first two-year cohort in business leadership in South Korea. South Korea (MNN) — Christian business leaders in South Korea are now pioneers in Christian leadership training from A2. How did all start? Four years ago, President of A2 was sharing the ministry’s vision for pastoral leadership training. That’s when a Christian business
Recently, seven CEOs gathered together outside of Seoul, Korea for the first-ever A3 session for marketplace leaders. The energy and enthusiasm were magnetic. As these leaders shared their lives and their vision in a dynamic collaborative learning community, the atmosphere was electric.
DEVELOP. > shape & sharpen A2 is a vibrant community that develops leaders. God shapes us over a lifetime; we sharpen each other. “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” (Prov 27:17) Our community is committed to life-long development: continually being developed and developing other leaders. We strive to develop:
""There are plenty of ministries to help Christian leaders develop their skills. What sets apart is a focus on the transformation of a leader’s soul. A3 holds an integrated vision of life and leadership that refuses to separate a person’s calling in the world from his or her communion with Christ. By targeting this deeper level of existence, equips leaders with a new vision of faithfulness and not merely new tools of effectiveness.""
Skye Jethani, Author, Speaker, Consultant and Pastor. Former senior editor for Leadership Journal | more endorsements...
Helping Leaders Thrive...
Creating the space and community for transformation to happen.