Reflecting on the Ten Years since Japan’s Triple Disaster By Sue Plumb Takamoto PART 2 In Part 1: “Looking Back on Ten Years: Finding Beauty in Brokenness”, I highlighted the unimaginable damage and challenging aftermath from Japan’s March 11, 2011 Triple Disaster—a 9.0 earthquake that triggered a tsunami and caused a nuclear power plant meltdown.
Reflections on the 10-Year Remembrance of Japan’s Triple Disaster By Sue Plumb Takamoto PART 1 There is beauty in brokenness. This is a message that we all need to hear right now.
True Confession: Even though I am the founder and director of one of the very few social enterprises in Japan for women, I have not been very aware of the issues surrounding the fashion industry and ethical sustainability. That all began to change two years ago. After some deliberate consideration, my husband and I canceled
By Rod Denton, Equipping The Next Generation In 330 B.C., Alexander the Great had conquered the Persian Empire and in the process had become ruler of most of the known world. With the greatest army ever assembled, he decided to continue his push eastward. His vision was unrelenting. He wanted to rule the entire world.
By David Bennett, who shared this devotional with the A2 board of directors during a videoconference God often leads us by a route we do not expect. When reflecting on the course of my life and ministry over the last 50 years, I am reminded that every single major transition was a complete surprise—it was
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There is no greater Return on Investment than discipleship and investing in other people.– Mike Duke (former CEO of Walmart)
The Role of the Hong Kong Church in a Society in Turmoil
by an Anonymous Guest Writer
A possible call to action for the HK Church:
The Church could be the broker for a resolution between the HK Government and the youth. There is need for dialogue, but neither side trusts the other; here is our opportunity to step into the breach.
The Church can help Chinese Government understand HK better. China now recognizes the need for new ways to administer HK. Through this the HK Church may speak to the mistrust and persecution of the Chinese Church by the current Chinese regime.
In practical ways, the Church can help the HK Government improve housing programs, drive economic opportunities, and reduce social tension through political reforms.
Most recently we had the privilege of interviewing Governor Bill Haslam, who recently finished his term as Governor of the state of Tennessee. Pastor Scott Sauls from Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville did a remarkable job of interviewing the Governor. And, the wisdom flowing from Governor Haslam was immense.
“There are plenty of ministries to help Christian leaders develop their skills. What sets apart is a focus on the transformation of a leader’s soul. A3 holds an integrated vision of life and leadership that refuses to separate a person’s calling in the world from his or her communion with Christ. By targeting this
""There are plenty of ministries to help Christian leaders develop their skills. What sets apart is a focus on the transformation of a leader’s soul. A3 holds an integrated vision of life and leadership that refuses to separate a person’s calling in the world from his or her communion with Christ. By targeting this deeper level of existence, equips leaders with a new vision of faithfulness and not merely new tools of effectiveness.""
Skye Jethani, Author, Speaker, Consultant and Pastor. Former senior editor for Leadership Journal | more endorsements...
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