Why Marcelo wants Latin America to experience A3 HELLO, MY NAME IS MARCELO.
Hear Dave’s initial impressions… DAVE WENDORFF HERE… And a highlight of this orientation besides the chocolate factory, which was fantastic, and learning what a mochaccino is, was the… just the earnestness and interest in all of the participants in wanting to know how they can be more transformational in their sphere of influence in their
Hear from Nate on his experience… I AM NATE AANDERUD. I WAS RECENTLY IN ECUADOR WITH A3. We were there for A3’s orientation for the pastors and also business leaders.
Why Marcelo is very excited and very happy… HELLO EVERYONE! MY NAME IS MARCELO. I’m from Ecuador, and recently, we were here in the capital Quito with the global team of A3.
Marketplace leaders are carrying the opportunity to reach many people in their sphere of influence with the transforming message of Jesus Christ. They are strategically positioned and poised to grow alongside other leaders with shared purpose. Our core leader development process is centered around forming a Spirit-led community of 12-16 marketplace leaders who spend time
Most recently we had the privilege of interviewing Governor Bill Haslam, who recently finished his term as Governor of the state of Tennessee. Pastor Scott Sauls from Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville did a remarkable job of interviewing the Governor. And, the wisdom flowing from Governor Haslam was immense.
Yesterday I posted that I recently sat down to interview Terry Looper about his new book Sacred Pace which was released on February 26. It’s a book laying out several great principles that align with our core focus at A3. I know you’ll enjoy the book. You can learn more about it here: Sacred Pace.
Recently, I was able to interview Terry Looper about his new book Sacred Pace being released today on February 26. It’s a book laying out several great principles that align with our core focus at A2. I know you’ll enjoy the book. You can learn more about it here: Sacred Pace. Here are a couple clips
Introduction to A3 Studies have shown that the biggest challenge we face in the world today is a crisis of leadership. Leaders are struggling to survive. All sorts of problems being thrown their way, and they don’t know how to handle it. Leaders are faced with war, natural disasters, poverty, famine, political unrest, social injustice,
""There are plenty of ministries to help Christian leaders develop their skills. What sets A3.business apart is a focus on the transformation of a leader’s soul. A3 holds an integrated vision of life and leadership that refuses to separate a person’s calling in the world from his or her communion with Christ. By targeting this deeper level of existence, A3.business equips leaders with a new vision of faithfulness and not merely new tools of effectiveness.""
Skye Jethani, Author, Speaker, Consultant and Pastor. Former senior editor for Leadership Journal
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