Written by Joe Handley Published: 29 Nov 2016
"Joe, I cherish A3. It helped to save my marriage."
A Heartfelt Endorsement from a Changed Life
"Joe, I cherish A3."
The woman speaking these words is the wife of a key national leader in a country, which, for security reasons, I can’t identify. I have had the privilege of knowing “Linda” (not her real name) and her husband for many years. While I was of course very grateful for her affirmation, I wanted to know more. “Linda, what has made A3 so precious to you?”
“A3 has influenced so many of the key leaders in our country. It is amazing how
your program can change so many when you start with so few. Of all of the ministries I’ve seen over the last 20 years, A3 is the one that stands out.
“But Joe, you of all people know the most important reason that I cherish A3. The personal care and support you and the A3 family provided for my husband and me
helped to save our marriage.”
Several years ago, her husband, a pastor and team leader for A3 in his country, made a profound mistake in his life following an intense time of pressure. This mistake deeply wounded his wife. They lived separate lives, barely speaking with one another.
Unfortunately, my friends’ story is not unique, or even rare. Struggles like these happen all the time in environments where the church is under intense pressure and persecution.
A third of the countries we serve face some form of persecution. Nearly half face significant pressure from the authorities, religious fanatics, or both.
Life-on-Life Mentoring is Life-Changing
But during this dark season in their relationship (also a season where A3 had to go silent in the country), we sent in pastors and counselors to help them to heal and rebuild their marriage. I was privileged to play a small part in this process. Eventually, this couple repented to and forgave one another. Not long ago, they held a remarriage ceremony to signify and celebrate what God had done in their lives.
This is why I knew that Linda spoke from the heart when she told me, “Joe, I cherish A3!” She has experienced the fruit of our ongoing commitment to gather 12-15 pastors at a time, for two years at a time—to strengthen their walk with Christ, build into their personal as well as ministry lives, and encourage their souls.
And her story was affirmed, over and over again, by the A3 alumni I was able to visit with that same day.
A3 is a Life-Oriented Change Process
Leader after leader highlighted the difference between A3 and other leadership development programs they had experienced. “The other leader development programs were task-oriented,” they told me. “But A3 is life oriented. Other training programs left us feeling burdened.
With A3, we leave inspired, empowered to fulfill the vision that God has given us!”
Today, far more than 150 pastors in this country have been impacted by A3, as many of the alumni have reproduced the training four times over. These revitalized leaders are then building the Kingdom of God in their families, their churches, their communities, and their countries. Through God’s grace,
by changing a few, we are changing the many!
Linda’s story reflects the profound impact God has had through A3 this past year thanks to people like you who give and pray. We are praying that God’s Kingdom impact through the work of A3 will continue and grow. These are just a few of the initiatives God is leading us into this coming year:
50th Anniversary Initiatives
Launching A3/Philippines—the 11th Asian country joining our core leadership-development program
- Opening A3/West India, which will join A3 North India and A3 South India in reaching over 40 key Indian leaders in 2017
- Building into the lives of the 12 top-level CEOs participating in A3.business/India, the expansion of A3’s core program adapted to reach marketplace leaders
- Celebrating 50 years of Kingdom-building ministry at our April 2017 Jubilee in Jakarta
As we move into A3’s Year of Jubilee,
I am so grateful for your partnership. Your prayers and financial support have helped to make it possible for people like Linda and her husband to experience the life-changing benefits of A2.
Will you help us change a few more leaders in 2017, who can then change many more?
I’m praying that you will again join me as A2 seeks to go deep with the pastors and leaders whom God has given into our care, and as we reach even more leaders in new countries and with new programs.
Would you prayerfully consider a gift of $50, $100, $250 or even $500 to invest in the lives of these amazing leaders?
If so, please click the red button below and select "50th Anniversary Initiatives" in the drop-down box.
Thank you for considering A2 on #givingtuesday
...or send your check to A2, PO Box 3307, Cerritos, CA 90703.
Your prayers and financial help make a real difference in the lives of these pastors and their families.
Because of you, people like Linda can truthfully say, “I cherish A3!”
With Christ,

Joe Handley

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Dr. Joseph W Handley, Jr. is currently president of A3.business. Joe was born and raised in Southern California. He attended Azusa Pacific University (APU) where he earned a B.A. in psychology and an M.A. in Theology. Joe served nine years at APU where he was the founding director of their Office of World Missions and leader of one of the first multi-national high school mission congresses in Mexico City in 1996. The Lord then called him to Rolling Hills Covenant Church in 1998 where Joe served as the Global Outreach Pastor and later the Associate Pastor for Outreach Ministries. In 2008, Joe answered the call of God to become the president of A3, a leader development movement that began in 1967 which launched A3.business in 2015. Recently, Joe completed his Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies at Fuller Theological Seminary.
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