Continuing to prototype its ministry to marketplace leaders in Seoul, South Korea. Just recently 9 CEOs and entrepreneurs gathered for the second ever session.
The generation gap can be huge and sometimes disorienting in the workplace. With this challenge, my strategies are always derived from our understanding of leadership in the multi-generational situation. In other words, what would good leaders do to bridge this gap?
The art of leadership when working with multiple generations “Leadership” to me is more than just one person, an individual leader—but beyond himself or herself to include the interactive influence between people for a particular goal. As you may know, Asians are quite hierarchical. And, in the context of Japan, there is a saying:
At an A2 session in a restricted country recently, I was astounded by the level of impact that investing in twelve key pastors has on a nation. After more than twelve years of investing in twelve choice leaders every two years, the leveraged influence was stunning to see. This was especially true knowing that, due
All over the world the question is repeated: How can we multiply Christ-like servant leaders? And how can we encourage Christian leaders to work together, rather than in isolation or in competition? It takes only a brief time with an cohort to see that these leaders are discovering the answers. The components of effective
1,200 + 1 Supposedly, there are 1,200 organizations doing marketplace ministry. And now A3 makes it 1,201. is a great new initiative. And here’s why: First, it relates to A3’s legacy and credibility over 56 years of ministry in Asia. A3 has trained thousands of leaders for their work in the Church. This is
ELC 2015 gets underway today and A2 is there! A2 is a silver sponsor of the Eagles Leadership Conference, held at Singapore’s Suntec Convention Centre from July 23-25, 2015. The theme of ELC 2015 is The Art of Partnership: Collaboration – Creativity – Community. Our own Takeshi Takazawa is one of the speakers. Takeshi is
1200 organizations doing marketplace ministry I was astounded to hear, that there are 1,200 marketplace ministries in the U.S. alone. 1200! I am sure all these organizations have great purposes, missions, visions and focus. So it isn’t for lack of effort. Good organizations are really trying to minister to people in the marketplace. Each of
Everyone is looking for meaning There are many people that I come across who are looking for meaning and purpose in their life. I meet them all the time. This is why it’s critical that marketplace ministry exists. Most people grow up thinking, if you study hard, you get into a good college, and then
For the last 600 years, the Church has really done a poor job of understanding the biblical basis of work. And in that, when Christians think of a “calling,” it is still understood in the context of, “Am I called to be a missionary? …Am I called to be a pastor?” On the notion of
""There are plenty of ministries to help Christian leaders develop their skills. What sets apart is a focus on the transformation of a leader’s soul. A3 holds an integrated vision of life and leadership that refuses to separate a person’s calling in the world from his or her communion with Christ. By targeting this deeper level of existence, equips leaders with a new vision of faithfulness and not merely new tools of effectiveness.""
Skye Jethani, Author, Speaker, Consultant and Pastor. Former senior editor for Leadership Journal | more endorsements...
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